Sunday, March 20, 2011

Busy in the shop, just on the wrong stuff

Mast bracket for three B&G 20/20's, getting a clear coat here.

Grinding the paint and bog off a boat's nose. I tented myself inside a bunch of plastic while grinding- what fun!

... and vacuum bagging a couple layers over clear packing tape and peel ply, to act as a mounting saddle. I wrapped it in a heating blanket so it could cure overnight.

The splash, removed from the boat, and it still has its peel ply and breather/absorber layers. I wrapped the grind area on the bow with shelf paper to keep the boat from looking too guerilla in this swanky marina, while the prod gets made.

Here's the first prod, just about finished.

So no progress on the i550, and it looks like it is going to get very little attention before I move east this summer. My plan is to try to get the cabin glassed and put on the deck, glass the deck, then just roll on a protective layer of epoxy onto the hull for the trailer trip across the country.


  1. Man, İ have to pay you a visit in the USA, West or East coast, to learn the tricks of the trade....Those parts look just too cool !

  2. Always welcome, but I'm dubious that there's much I could teach- I'm making it all up as I go! They say you do your best work when you're scared sh*tless that you're about to stuff it up...

  3. Really nice work on the CF parts. How far to the east are you moving and where are you going to be located?

  4. To northeast Missouri. Small lakes, or commuter sailing is in my future.
