Saturday, December 11, 2010

It'll never be easier than now

... to put in the hardware that goes inside the boat. So...
some tangs that will be at the bottom of the compression post, to mount turning blocks for halyards and some other strings.

Pole out block in the bow, and the forestay turning block (below that hole in the bow frame) and guide tubes.

Aft side decks are on. When I originally glassed on the foam strips to the cockpit sides, I left a margin of dry glass for later (later = now) bonding to the deck underside, and it worked pretty well- it's a little ragged since it was done mostly be feel. I'll sand it a bit, but it's not an area I'm too concerned about, appearance wise.

Forward edge of deck with scarf, and pvc plumbing pipe lead into recessed box for spin sheet turning block.

And the entire interior has now been coated with two layers of epoxy throughout.

Just a few more small details to work out and the rest of the deck is ready to go on.

1 comment:

  1. Chad, nothing much to add except that is one helluva construction ! Looks really amazing.
