Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Rudder, part 4. And some bonus footage...

So I put a vacuum together recently, did a few trial runs, and then bagged the two cap layers over the top of my rudder head. This is the plastic sheeting, over a layer of breather/absorber (terry cloth), a layer of peel ply, and then the two layers of CF.

Fresh out of the bag, not perfect but pretty alright.

After a little cleanup, it looks just fine.

Next up, some tangs to fit inside the ends of my jockey struts. Here's the jig parts...

... the finished parts...

... and the tangs installed into the ends of the struts. I goofed and grabbed the G5 epoxy instead of the G/Flex- they are in identical packaging except the labels. So let's hope the 5 minute stuff is up to the job- these aren't that highly loaded and they have lots of surface area so should be fine.

I test installed the struts in the boat, tied on the blocks that will make them move, checked it all over to see that there weren't any problems I'd be solving from inside the boat later, and I think this one goes into the "sorted" column.

Just a couple more little things before the foredeck goes on.


  1. Dumb question: what are jockey struts? Are they the same thing as reaching struts?

  2. Nevermind, I saw your 8/24/10 post that described them. I must say, your build is VERY impressive. WAY beyond my knowledge base. Great to learn from and improve on for next time! I just wish I could understand everything you are talking about! (NEVER too detailed for me.)


  3. Hi,
    It's only impressive if it all works, right? Which hasn't happened yet!

    I've used this boat as an opportunity to learn a lot, which was part of the reason for building it. Hopefully, it all works out in the end.

    Best of luck getting on with your build, too.
