Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Back in the saddle

So I've been busy doing lots of other stuff for the last several weeks, and have almost not touched the i550. Here's a few piddly bits of progress:

These are strips of Corecell foam glued end-to-end with Gorilla glue, then roughly beveled. They'll become the cockpit radius shapes after the cockpit is glued down.

While working on three (!) other rudders in my garage, I spent some time on my keel blade as well. It's been rough-faired, primed, and fine-faired. It needs another coat of primer, and at least one more pass with some putty before it's ready for paint. Which leads to....

The bulb. I didn't take any pics of its raw state- just too ugly. Like the Davy Jones character from Pirates of the Caribbean. I explained why earlier, and no need to dwell on that any further! Anyway, here it is after some rough fairing with a surform and bastard file, coated with a layer of fairing filler. Maybe pink is the new orange?

The last bit of progress is on the cockpit bensons, just fitted and zipped in yesterday. They approximately follow the curve of the sheer, so they'll always be the right distance away, and look a little better (I think). There's a kind of console going between these two, and more bensons going in behind the trav. I also fit and over-bored for the main traveller.

In other news, the rig has been ordered, and should arrive late April.
I've been figgerin running rigging stuff. Here's where I'm at right now, with just about everything lead below deck, double-ended, and ending up where you'd want it. I think.

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