Friday, May 13, 2011

Progress in the neutered shop

What's the opposite of monster garage? -One where the stuff inside has to be able to be put away at any time so the realtor can drag people through. So given that, I'm working on small stuff mostly.

Maybe this can be another "what is it" from the skunkworks? Recent followers of the forums at might have a clue what this is...

Cabin, flipped.

Wood buck, removed.
That was fun- my first use of a hammer in building the boat, as far as I recall.

My carbon dude is out of the stuff I want to use for the inner skin, so this will have to wait until about next Wednesday or so. The plan is to run 9 oz. uni from side to side, 2 layers offset about 15 degrees from square, some additional stuff running through the mast step area completing the BOD, and with some additional longitudinal stuff around the companionway cutout.


  1. Is that your shroud tightening lever?

  2. Yup, for the masthead/cap shrouds which lead back to the mast base. The lever is to be inserted through a slot in the compression post, which I've just started working on as well.
